
Zumbrota-Mazeppa Schools contracts school bus transportation through Palmer Bus Service of Zumbrota-Mazeppa. If you have questions on bus pickup/drop off times, bus numbers, routes or polices contact: 

Zumbrota Bus Shed: 507-732-7670

If there is no answer please leave a detailed message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Important things to remember:

  1. Have child/children at their bus stop 5 minutes prior bus pick up time to ensure that the driver is not waiting, as they need to arrive to school on time.
  2. Please have child dressed appropriately for field trips and regular day to day bus riding, especially during the winter months.
  3. Go over the bus rules with your child
  4. Riding the bus is a privilege therefore students will receive bus violation tickets when rules of the bus are NOT followed.
  • 1st Violation- Written Warning Report- Report will be sent home with the student stating that there was misconduct. The report will have the date, driver's name, student's name and a place for the parents to sign and return the report acknowledging the violation.
  • 2nd Violation- Written Report - Report will be sent home with the student stating that there was misconduct. The report will have the date, driver's name, student's name and a place for the parents to sign and return the report acknowledging the violation. Deny bus riding privilege for 1 day.
  • 3rd Violation- Written Report and Conference- Report will be sent home with the student stating that there was misconduct. The report will have the date, driver's name, student's name and a place for the parents to sign and return the report acknowledging the violation. Deny bus riding privilege for 2-5 days, depending on severity of incident. Conference will be held with principal, bus contractor and parents.
  • 4th Violation- Written Report and Conference- Report will be sent home stating that the student has now lost their bus riding privilege for the remainder for the school year. Conference will be held with principal, bus contractor and parents.

Please note that route and shuttle buses are at full capacity.  Palmer Bus Service of Zumrota-Mazeppa requests no extra student riders for birthday parties, sleepovers, etc. The only extra riders allowed will be emergency situations or a daycare issue.