Illness and Sending a Child to School

Department Page: Welcome to Health Services

If your child becomes ill at school and needs to go home, the health office staff will contact a parent/guardian. Children must call from the health office phone, not their personal cell phone, so that the health office can track how many students are going home ill.

If the health office is unable to reach parents, the emergency contacts will be called. Please make sure the school has your emergency phone numbers and that they are kept up to date in Infinite Campus.

Should I keep my child home? Click here for information

-If a student has a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student should stay home until 24 hrs AFTER the temperature has returned to normal (without the use of a fever reducing medication.)

-If a student has diarrhea or has vomited, the student should stay home until symptom free for 24 hrs.

- If a student has a rash that may be related to a disease, or the cause is unknown, please see a doctor before sending the student to school.

- If you are keeping your child home because of an illness, please call the school to report specific symptoms and/or diagnosis.

- If your child tested positive for strep, your child should stay home until 24hrs after the antibiotic treatment has started.

Please notify the school nurse if your child has the following diseases or conditions (not an all inclusive list). Click on the links for school exclusion guidelines.

Chicken pox

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)




Strep Throat

Hand, Foot, and Mouth

Fifths Disease

Conditions and diseases also on MN Department of Health website